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Book: Quiané DesignBuild Mexico II, ein Bautagebuch in 38 Kapiteln
Quiané DesignBuild Mexico II, ein Bautagebuch in 38 Kapiteln is published by the Hochschule München.
Experience in Action
The Center for Culture an Ecology Quiané, Mexico is part of the Exhibition ”Experience in Action” at the…
Experience in action interviews
The DesignBuild exhibition “Experience in Action” is accompagnied
Third DesignBuild project from Hochschule München inaugurated
The second phase of the Center for Culture and Ecology was inaugurated in March 8th. 2020.
In Summer 2019, the Quiané Studio at Hochschule München published a book on the first phase of the…
Second DesignBuild project from Hochschule München inaugurated
The first phase of the Center for Culture and Ecology was inaugurated at March 8th. 2019.
Book contribution: Public Interest Design Education Guidebook
‘Intercultural Competencies – Teaching the Intangible’ – CoCoon-Studio contributed an introductory essay to ‘Public Interest Design Education Guidebook:…
Centro Cultural de Chamanga at the Biennial Contest Quito
At the XXI BAQ 2018, the 21 Bienal Panamericana de Arquitectura de Quito, the Centro Cultural de Chamanga was…
SEED Award 2018 for the Cultural Center Chamanga
The Cultural Center Chamanga in Ecuador wins the 2018 Award for Excelence in Social Economic Environmental Design more…
Podcast by the Curry Stone Foundation with Sergio Palleroni, Jane Anderson, Bryan Bell and Ursula Hartig
Can Design Education Promote Social Justice? Podcast by the Curry Stone Foundation. Interviewers: Emiliano Gandolfi and Eric Cesal