Podcast by the Curry Stone Foundation with Sergio Palleroni, Jane Anderson, Bryan Bell and Ursula Hartig
Can Design Education Promote Social Justice? Podcast by the Curry Stone Foundation. Interviewers: Emiliano Gandolfi and Eric Cesal
Learning from Failure – Call for Papers
Deadline 1 June 2018 The Design-Build Exchange (dbX) will be launching its North American portal soon. We…
Finished: Cultural Center Chamanga
Design and construction of the Cultural Center in Chamanga, suffering under an earthquake in Spring 2016. A cooperation…
DesingBuild Studio Chamanga/ Ecuador- more information
DesignBuild Studio at the Hochschule München. The task is to develop a cultural centre in the costal village…
Announcing the winners of the 2017 SEED + dbXchange + Live Projects Network Awards
2017 SEED + dbXchange + Live Projects Network Awards Design Corps, the Social Economic Environmental Design (SEED), designbuildXchange,…
Panke Platz Booklet online
Booklet of the DesignBuild Summer University 2016. Dowlnoad here: Booklet of the DesignBuild Summer University 2016 PDF or…
DesignBuild: Summer University Panke-Feld, 2016
Within the framework of the Summer University organized by the TUBS, TU Berlin, CoCoon offered the four week…
Reading Patina
International Symposium and Workshop: Reading Patina. Learning from the deterioration of built landscapes through time. 7-9. Juli 2016,…
dbXchange portal officially launched in Vienna
We are proud to announce that the dbXchange portal on academic DesignBuild was officially launched at the Hands.On…
Exhibition: Chilenian Adobe Buildings
Friday, Mai 6th 2016 18:30 nibbles and drinks 19.30 Exhibition opening: Günter zur Nieden Lecture: Camilo Giribás, Architekt,…